Tight Rope - CD Drama
Title : Original Japanese: タイトロープ
Title, Romanji: Tightrope
[ Summary ]
Mangaka: 夏目イサク
Company: 新書館Dear+
(seme x uke)
鈴木達央 x 立花慎之介
Suzuki Tatsuhisa x Tachibana Shinnosuke
[ Cast ]
Character: Seiyuu (Japanese)
鈴木達央 (Suzuki Tatsuhisa) - 立花慎之介 (Tachibana Shinnosuke)
Description :
Ryuunosuke and Naoki are childhood friends. Ryuunosuke is the heir to a crime family (yakuza), but he is in love with Naoki and would rather spend every day with him. Just before his high school graduation, Ryuunosuke suddenly renounces any claim to his family legacy. Based on mangaka Natsume Isaku’s 夏目イサク work published in 2008.